Miguel Larrañeta Gómez-Caminero


The group’s main core is teaching. The leaders of the group are professors in the field of thermodynamics and solar energy that have been giving classes for more than 15 years. GTER has lately opened a line of lecturing for private entities.

Courses: Solar resource assessment for CSP plants (Atlántica Yield 2016). PV systems (World Bank 2016). International course of alternative systems for the conversion and use of energy  (ESPE University 2015).


The group’s activity in the field of photovoltaics has been focused on research projects, mainly in developing prototypes that enable to reach higher yields or proposing new hybrid designs of simple modules and complete PV plants either with renewable and conventional energies. We have also been working on the drafting of technical norms for PV installations. Group capabilities include design supervision, maintenance and operational performance evaluation, technical consultancy and elaboration of technical specifications for public and private entities. The latest R&D projects are related to the development of intelligent systems for the management of grid dispatchability

Most relevant projects related to this area

R&D: SOLARBLUE, Solar Power Integrated Renewable Energy System (2018-2019); BISSEM, Building Integrated Solar Systems for the Egyptian Market (2018-2020); SAGRA Advanced system of isolated grid management, SIMGRID, Optimization of electrical energy storage for micrgrids (2015-2017); CLIMACSOL, Development of air conditioning and hot water systems based on solar PV (2015); PV ON-TIME, Intelligent PV system (2014); CHORUS, Integral Energy Management (2013); CLIMA FV, PV systems for cooling (2013); SOFIE, PV installations optimization (2013).


The group has worked on many R&D projects funded by public and private entities for over 30 years contributing to the enhancement of the solar energy technologies, the proposal of innovative hybrid and solar-only concepts, design of receiver prototypes for different heat transfer fluids, modeling of PCM thermal storage systems using ANSYS-Fluent or the design of a test bench for absorber tubes

Most relevant projects related to this area

R&D: ADELSOL, taking advantage of the synergies of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems, Junta de Andalucía in the frame of the PAIDI 2020, (2019-2022); INSHIP – Integrating National Research Agendas on Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (7th Framework Programme 2017-2020).  Validation on the power calculations of HELIOtube solar plant (2018). STAGE-STE. Development of joint R&D activities in six major areas in the field of CSP (7th Framework Programme EU 2014-2019); Biostirling 4 SKA. Development of hybrid parabolic dish system (7th Framework Programme EU 2013-ongoing); ACUMSOL, Steam Accumulator prototype (2014); Solar-biomass hybridization (2013-2015); CTAER Variable Geometry Central Receiver Test Facility (2013); CRS Sales, Prototype solar tower receiver with molten salt (2009-2011); ConSOLida, Technology development in the field of Solar Thermal Electricity (2008-2011); SIREC Technology development for Central Receiver Systems (1999-2001); Solar-Gas Hybrid Combines Cycle in Al-Kuraymat, Egypt (1997); Colón Solar, Integration of Solar Energy in a conventional Power Plant (1997-1998); APAS SOLGAS, Hybrid Combined Cycle Cogeneration Plant based on Central Receiver Technology (1996).


The experience of GTER includes the use and development of different simulation tools for optimization and analysis of CSP systems and components. The most relevant codes developed by GTER are:

  • EOS. The EOS software for the simulation of solar thermal parabolic trough plants implements detailed models of the different subsystems of a CSP plant and provides detailed energy balances at different points and time intervals. EOS has been validated with data from commercial plants and has been used for a number of feasibility analyses of CSP projects, energy audits, resolution of contractual disputes, etc. The EOS software is constantly under development to improve the models or add new capabilities.
  • WinDELSOL. The WinDELSOL software for the simulation and optimization of Central Receiver (Tower) Systems was developed jointly by GTER and Ciemat in the frame of the SIREC project, a R&D programme for the development of Central Receiver Technology that put some of the basis for the first commercial projects in Spain. WinDELSOL is based on Sandia’s DELSOL3.

GTER has also developed different models for Dish-Stirling systems, optical analysis and optimization of heliostat fields, etc. and has the expertise for the use of specific tools like Tonatiuh (open-source ray-tracing tool oriented to the analysis and optimization of solar concentrators) for the design and optimization of a Linear Fresnel installation.

Most relevant projects related to this area

Feasibility analysis/Energy output assessment: La Africana (Córdoba, Spain, 2010); La Dehesa (Badajoz, Spain, 2009); Valdetorres (Badajoz, Spain, 2009); Villanueva (Badajoz, Spain, 2008); Quinto (Aragón Spain, 2008); La Llorida-La dehesa (Badajoz, Spain, 2008).

Technical assistance: Assessment of Fresnel System performance (Aznalcollar, Spain, 2017-2018). Optimization and Analysis of the expected production and variability of the P50 (Seville, Spain, 2015); TA84455 IND. ADB – Preparing Utility Scale Concentrating Solar Power Demonstration (India, 2015); La Florida-La Dehesa (Badajoz, Spain, 2013);  Assistance on design of Technical specifications and tender evaluation criteria for Concentrating Solar Power projects in India (YES. 2010); Solar thermoelectric energy evaluation of potential in Spain (IDAE 2010)


GTER operates a meteorological station equipped with solar radiation sensors since 1984. The capabilities of the group ranges from the installation, remote monitoring, maintenance and calibration of devices to the quality assessment and control of solar radiation data and development of empirical models and methodologies for solar resource assessment. The main services provided by GTER are:

  • Operational Solar Resource Assessment (OSRA) for CSP and PV plants. OSRA main objective is to assure that the data recorded at the meteorological station of a solar plant meets all the requirements in terms of integrity, quality and accuracy to be used for assessing contractual performance guarantees, but also includes providing advice regarding the configuration, installation, operation and maintenance of Solar Radiation Measurement Stations. GTER provides and has provided OSRA for 3 CSP plants and 8 PV plants in Spain.
  • Long-term Solar Resource Assessment based on different data sources (ground measurements of DNI or global irradiance, satellite images, etc.) for feasibility analysis and bankability reporting of CSP and PV plants. This service frequently includes the remote monitoring and quality assessment of solar radiation measurement stations on site during the pre-construction phase of the projects. GTER has provided this service in more than 20 Spanish and international projects.
  • Short-term solar radiation forecasting oriented to the operation of solar plants in electricity markets. GTER is currently participating in an R&D project, funded by the Spanish Government, for the development of very short-term prediction models for the optimization of CSP plants.
  • Solar Resource mapping. GTER has coordinated or participated in the elaboration of solar radiation databases and maps for Spain and the Spanish regions of Andalusia and Extremadura based on different sources of information and tools.

In addition, GTER has participated in a significant number of national and international R&D projects in solar energy taking the responsibility of the solar resource assessment.

Most relevant projects related to this area

Bankability solar resource assessment: Luzentia (Jumilla, Spain 2020). Canha (Canha, Portugal 2020). Ferreiras (Ferreiras, Portugal 2020). Arenales (Arahal, Spain 2020). Andasol 1&2 (Aldeire, Spain). Solacor (Ecija, Spain 2019). Solaben (Logrosán, Spain 2019).  Solanova (Sanlúcar, Spain 2019). Rota (Cádiz, Spain 2017). Helioenergy (Écija, Spain, 2017). Helios (Arenas de San Juan, Spain, 2016).  (Solnova/PS10/PS20 (Seville, Spain, 2015); Andasol 1&2 (Granada, Spain, 2011 and 2015); Helioenergy 1&2 (Seville, Spain, 2009 and 2015); Solacor1&2 (Cordoba, Spain, 2009 and 2015); Lebrija (Seville, Spain, 2014); Solaben (Cáceres, Spain, 2013); Arenales (Seville, Spain, 2011); Casablanca (Badajoz, Spain, 2011); Enestar (Alicante, Spain, 2011); Extresol 1&2&3 (Badajoz, Spain, 2011); Manchasol1&2 (Ciudad real, Spain, 2011); La Africana (Córdoba, Spain, 2010); Tessera, (Cyprus, 2010); Palma del río 1&2 (Cordoba, Spain, 2009).

Operational resource assessment:

CSP: Arenales (Seville, Spain since 2012); Andasol 1&2 (Granada, Spain since 2011).

PV: Alhama (Murcia, Spain 2010-2011); Calasparra 2&3 (Murcia, Spain 2009-2011); Fuenteálamo 2&3 (Murcia, Spain 2009-2011); Magascona&Magsquilla (Cáceres, Spain 2007-2011); Blanca (Murcia, Spain 2010-2011); Rioja (Almería, Spain 2010-2011); Olmedilla (Cuenca, Spain, 2008-2011)

R&D: MULTIYEAR, Development of a prototype for the creation of a technology-based company based on the concept of “Multiyear synthetic generation”, Junta de Andalucía in the frame of the PAIDI 2020, (2019-2020)., AEMETISIS, Adaptation of the meteorological station o for the study of spectral irradiance, Ministry of Education and Science (2018-2019) ;EMETSIS, Improvement of the meteorological station for the development of predictive tools. Ministry of Education and Science (2017-2018); CODISOL, nowcasting for control optimization (2015); Cost Action WIRE ES1002 (2014); PASES, Solar radiation database for Andalucía and Extremadura (2008).

Tools and projects

Project. “Exploitation of the synergies of CSP and PV technologies for the development hybrid systems of electricity production

Open tool for the synthetic generation of coupled 1-min GHI+DNI data from hourly means.

Open tool for the synthetic generation of Plausible Meteorological Years

Open tool for forecasting 1-day, 2-days and 3-days ahead 1-min coupled GHI+DNI data.


GTER’s main areas of activity GTER during the recent years are presented in the following.


GTER operates a meteorological station equipped with solar radiation sensors since 1984. The capabilities of the group ranges from the installation, remote monitoring, maintenance and calibration of devices to the quality assessment and control of solar radiation data and development of empirical models and methodologies for solar resource assessment. The main services provided by GTER…


The experience of GTER includes the use and development of different simulation tools for optimization and analysis of CSP systems and components. The most relevant codes developed by GTER are: EOS. The EOS software for the simulation of solar thermal parabolic trough plants implements detailed models of the different subsystems of a CSP plant and…


The group has worked on many R&D projects funded by public and private entities for over 30 years contributing to the enhancement of the solar energy technologies, the proposal of innovative hybrid and solar-only concepts, design of receiver prototypes for different heat transfer fluids, modeling of PCM thermal storage systems using ANSYS-Fluent or the design…


The group’s activity in the field of photovoltaics has been focused on research projects, mainly in developing prototypes that enable to reach higher yields or proposing new hybrid designs of simple modules and complete PV plants either with renewable and conventional energies. We have also been working on the drafting of technical norms for PV…


The group’s main core is teaching. The leaders of the group are professors in the field of thermodynamics and solar energy that have been giving classes for more than 15 years. GTER has lately opened a line of lecturing for private entities. Courses: Solar resource assessment for CSP plants (Atlántica Yield 2016). PV systems (World…